For some reason the City of Charleston set up one of those automated radar speed signs on Shadowmoss Parkway today that tells drivers how fast they are driving. I’m not sure why they did it. The speed limit on Shadowmoss is 20 mph and since there are so many speed humps along the way it’s difficult for a driver to go over 30 mph before hitting the next speed hump.
I took my camera to document the lunacy this evening and discovered something interesting. When I photographed the radar speed sign from just in front of my truck, where I was hidden from drivers approaching from behind, every driver broke the speed limit.
When I moved closer to the radar sign for a better photo, and became visible, drivers slowed to a snail’s pace.
Evidently the automated radar doesn’t deter speeders. My camera and I do.
Funny! {maybe not} Can I astro-project you to our subdivision?
Posted by: Sallie | May 10, 2006 at 09:29 PM
Around here, Construction Zones are just Formula One tracks to most. In the last year, the state of Missouri has been posting one cop at the entrance to each construction zone. He is ticketing everyone over the speed limit. That slowed us down.
Now, The state of Illinois has parked a van at the entrance to many Construction Zones. It is taking radar assited pictures. 1st offense, $150 ticket. 2nd or Later offense, $300 ticket and automatic 90 day suspension of your license. There is an appeal process, but the state says, don't even try it.
Posted by: LittleMike | May 11, 2006 at 10:49 AM
Did you by chance take those photos with a *new* camera? I'm wondering if you made a decision on which camera to get?
Posted by: Kathryn | May 11, 2006 at 12:15 PM
Kathryn, I haven't made up my mind yet.
Posted by: Mike | May 12, 2006 at 05:07 PM
They might think you are some kind of cop, and your camera is a radar gun or something. People are stupid.
Posted by: Margaret | May 12, 2006 at 06:45 PM
OH My.. we have a change of clothes{blog-color/{been their done that; recently}... interesting. My 'hood is now placing signs such as yours around... perhaps "they" talk to one another[as in yours to mine and etc] across the miles? NOT!
Happy Friday
Posted by: Sallie | May 12, 2006 at 07:17 PM
Mike, those radar readouts are simply another way the City placates the chronic complainers who want to "suburbanize" the peninsula of Charleston. The speed humps may well be appropriate for quiet suburban streets although they seem silly anywhere. They're a farce in town.
In downtown Charleston, we have a lot of new suburban types as well as several neurotic natives who want to turn everything SOB into a gated community. The speed hump is their fetish. The City's given into some of the more rabid pockets of nuts and fouled up New, Chisholm and Savage Streets. Just above in the SNOC or "Slightly North of Calhoun" ( an invention of our most prolific LC Blogger ) area, howling brats have provoked the same crap (to invoke your new favorite word) upon Chapel and Charlotte Streets. The whole city gets humped when the City gives into the speed hump freaks.
As to the radar readout stations, just hang out by one for a while and see if they don't provoke motorists to speed up rather than slow down. It's simple human nature and part of our sports heritage that we love to put higher numbers up on the board.
Posted by: WINDVIEL | May 13, 2006 at 02:27 PM